Heroes Guild Online

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    Message Pruning


    Join date : 2009-11-20
    Posts : 290

    The Waste Character
    Name: Rūk
    Race: Minotaur
    Class: Warden

    Message Pruning Empty Message Pruning

    Post by Chris 2010-03-13, 17:55

    We have intentionally chosen not to use our forum's Auto-Pruning function which deletes topics after 90 days of inactivity. Therefore:
    • Topics without responses will be pruned at the discretion of Administrators.
    • Topics related to events will be moved/deleted when the event's date is passed.
    • If you post a topic and it has become irrelevant, either close the topic by replying to that effect, or send a Private Message to an Administrator to have the topic deleted.
    • If you feel that your topic has been moved/deleted but remains relevant, send a Private Message to an Administrator to have it restored.

      Current date/time is 2024-12-05, 06:26