Heroes Guild Online

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Supporting Gamers & Intellectual Hobbyists Throughout Maryland

    Show your Guild support


    Join date : 2009-11-20
    Posts : 290

    The Waste Character
    Name: Rūk
    Race: Minotaur
    Class: Warden

    Show your Guild support Empty Show your Guild support

    Post by Chris 2010-03-26, 03:04

    Did you know that the Heroes' Guild is active on Facebook, Google, Meetup, Multiply, My Battalion, MySpace, Obsidian Portal, Pen & Paper Games, Twitter (@Heroes_Guild), Windows Live, Wizards of the Coast, and Yahoo?

    We're not as active on these sites as on our home forum, but if you belong to any of these services, show your support by joining our group or following our posts.

      Current date/time is 2024-12-05, 05:49